Thursday, November 30, 2017

Recovery & Healing Videos - From Pedophilia, Rape, Incest,

Rape is everywhere, and can happen to anyone.  Too many people put themselves at risk and travel to other countries, where they are not even protected,  this just happened in Spain to an exchange student

An American women exchange student who went to in after going out, got brutally beaten and raped by an migrant! The suspect kept beating her and then raped her until she decided to play dead, that is when the suspect left, and she made a run for it!

Ending FEAR after sexual abuse, rape, beatings, etc

What You Seek, Is Seeking You

Survival After Rape

Pedophiles That Abuse Men

Inceest - Family Secrets

Rape By Priests In The Church

When People we love commit suicide

Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Cherish All Children Youtube Channel

Here is the YouTube channel that will have all healing videos

Support this channel and recovery page

When People Feel Suicidal, It is A Cry For Help From Massive Trauma & Pain

This page will have links, videos & ways to try to self heal.  I am not a doctor, & some people need to know if they are feeling like this that they need to find a doctor or hospital, before they do anything to hurt themselves.

But millions and millions of people suffer from these thoughts, and people need to know this.  There are some very dark days in life, when people do not what how to cope or what to do, & they need a life line & a way to move out of feeling like this.  It's imperative to seek a support system, and people that can hear this amount of hopelessness in anyone crying out.

When any abuse has happened to us, the last thing you do is like yourself, you loathe yourself.  And that is backwards.  One of the reasons that predators seek out their victims to abuse, is that your qualities are so likable & admirable.  Many predators are jealous of their victims & scar them so that they are not so "good" and "perfect" 

It may seem impossible to reverse the thought process, but you are worth everything and need to learn to love yourself.  Your predator needs to go to jail.

I believe there is always someone protecting each survivor, so that they finally one day, come into their own

Victims of abuse, trust no one, believe in no one since the people they trusted the most, either did not protect them, or were the perpetrators.  You have to choose to get past that, & realize that everyone is not bad.  It takes a leap of faith, and you have everything to lose if you don't try.

Video on Cutting - Self Sabotage

Teenage Suicide - When Kids Give Up As Young As High School


Being in Too much pain

Listen To Your Soul

We know who we are before we were broken, once our confidence is broken, we stop listening.  We only hear the lies someone told us, & we lack the strength to hear our own souls. 

Bad days are 24 hours long, not a year long.  It's when people don't help their own bad days by making themselves feel better, that 1 day turns into a week and so on.  Bad days are a measure of reality, there is NO ONE that has all good days.    The bad days, remind us to stay grounded & true, and not lose sight of the hard fight we have to always keep this balance.

Healing means you found a way to live past your pain, & to allow for your own right to feel well, and not be derailed by whatever was done.  Pain in life happens to everyone and everything.  We lose pets, people, jobs, friends, and we have to be very strong to fill those holes and gaps and still live in a way that loss & hurts do not leave us in a way that we cannot function.  When he get to a place of healing, we end up always fitting our pain, in our back pockets, not in front of us, misdirecting our every day lives.

Most pains had NOTHING to do with us, we were victimized, or predators invaded our innocence, and stole from us what was our right to keep.

We have to come to a place where we face that the thieves are the ones that need to lose, we win because we have ourselves, & they chose us from our goodness and great qualities,  that was how we became their prey.  It was never about us, it was about them. 

The Planet Needs Peacemakers, & Leaders

Success is about achieving a life you feel good in & are proud of.  Society puts emphasis on material things, money, wealth, as measures of success.  That is a fake life.  There are people with all of the money in the world, that live a tattered miserable life, inside of mansions, full of loneliness, self loathing, & pain.

To create people that matter & make a difference, we need a society full of leaders & people that can teach love, peace, healing, happiness, and living without fear or mistrust

I Cant Be Broken - Not Any More

Being broken is a condition, it's temporary.  Staying broken is a state of mind and a choice.

You Have to choose to unbreak yourself and become the survivor that lies inside you

Every single person should give themselves the RIGHT to heal, this is what you owe yourself

Predators that try to take it away, want control over you, take your life back, make them own their abuse & crimes & repair yourself into wellness

There are healing videos and links coming on to here for healing everything from toxic parents, toxic people, abuse, incest, rape, pedophilia, death in the family, loss of a pet, all of these things break us and hurt our love inside us.  But we have to tell ourselves that we have a right to feel well, feel strong, and not live in a broken state.

Reality is that we can feel like giving up on a hard day, a dark day, but this is real, it's not just you that feels this way, most people feel that in raising a child, working at a job, running the country, owning a business, being married, being single, recovering from abuse, it's a natural thing to feel, the "job" is getting past that and seeing how to get inspired and feel better, meeting people that motivate us and help us past these hard times

People have impossible obstacles, and have a struggle to figure out how to live & survive, their fight is against time, cancer, disease, and they have to look at things from a very short pace in front of them, they struggle to figure this out, and don't get the recovery time to heal, sometimes they only get to live for moments, compared to our ability to heal and get older.

Strong people never have an easy life, we get lessons & a harder journey, the reason is that our calling is higher, we are leaders, and lead ourselves so we can lead others

People in pain, have a hard time celebrating, because it brings up the feelings of what they are missing, they are afraid to feel good, so they choose to always talks about their pain, and they don't think they deserve to be able to laugh and celebrate.  They self sabotage, and bring themselves down, trying to think that at least they recognize misery and sadness, they feel out of place, being happy and feeling joy.

This has to change in order to allow people to celebrate their lives and their survival.

We All Deserve A Whole Beginning For Which We Form Our Lives & Beliefs

All Children deserve a safe childhood, people that love them & safety.  We are desperately trying to create this & protect all children from every single type of abuse.

Children's minds are innocent, & peaceful.  Fear, anger, hatred, resentment, are all created from their pain & they are too young to handle all of the things that happen to their innocent little beings.

This entire blog is about a way to move all children from pain, to wellness, and recovery, and to not spend decades of time being broken, lost, no confidence, & no will to survive.

I'ts been long overdue that we seek the remedies available, which are words, and ways to tell ourselves different thoughts about our experiences, so they do not control us for the rest of our lives.

I believe we always have someone trying to save us, and to guide us into our places.

This is one of my favorite saying ever, I live by this, and let myself be guided up, from all of the times I feel that I have hit rock bottom

No matter what happens, we have to discover our worth,  if we don't see it in ourselves, others will not find it in us

Sororities & Fraternities - Don't Join Them, Don't Aspire To Be One Of Them